Our blogs

A taste of France: Bouillabaisse, the fish stew of Marseille

Many gastronomes would argue that it is difficult to find either an excellent or authentic bouillabaisse. However, it is such a distinctive dish and so different to anything in British cuisine that even trying a passable version of the dish is an experience not to be missed when you are visiting the south of France. […]

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Why you should choose a luxury French villa over a hotel room

For lots of people, your holidays and breaks are what people look forward to most in their year – it’s one of the reasons you work hard to be able to afford these luxury trips. It is important then, that we get it right and that we book exactly the kind of holiday we want. […]

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Celebrating the old way of rural life in Brittany

Celebrating the old way of rural life in Brittany

If you want to find out how they did it in the old days, then the Fete des Vieux Metiers (festival of old trades) at Baud is for you. Begun over 20 years ago, this annual recreation of Breton rural life a century ago is well worth the modest entrance fee as the thousands who […]

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Walking in Provence

From the Cote d’Azur to the Haute Alpes, Provence is a vast region whose massive appeal has long attracted visitors, year after year without fail. Within its stunning landscape lie many sub-regions, each with its own personality; in recent years one of the most popular ways to discover this ‘real’ Provence has been on foot. […]

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Lonely lighthouses

Brittany’s beautiful Atlantic coastline, with its rugged headlands and windswept islands, is a lighthouse-lover’s paradise. Due to the wild nature of these western shores, the Finistere and Morbihan departments account for a large proportion of France’s total 150 lighthouses. These evocative structures, built largely during the 19th century to keep shipping safe, serve as reminders […]

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Megaliths and Menhirs

Megaliths and Menhirs

Like modern-day tourists, prehistoric man was drawn to southern Brittany for reasons which remain shrouded in the mists of time. Carnac – capital of the megaliths The countryside around Carnac is rich in Neolithic remains, erected by early settlers who put roots down in the area 6-7,000 years ago. World famous for its avenues of […]

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Light and colour

Light and colour

Artists have long found inspiration in the strong light and bold, earthy colours of Provence. The landscape’s luminous quality has attracted amateurs and professionals alike, whether to paint or capture on camera its stunning scenery. Cezanne and Sainte-Victoire Among the most famous was father of Impressionism Paul Cezanne, born in Aix-en-Provence in 1839. One of […]

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A Scent to Savour

A Scent to Savour

Who can resist the scent of lavender, synonymous with long, hot summer days and reputed to be a cure for insomnia, hastening sleep? Just one of several aromatic herbs to grow in the wild around the Mediterranean basin, this plant has long been cultivated and processed to extract its beneficial oils. Indeed, the lavender fields […]

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Island hopping in Brittany

Island hopping in Brittany

While thousands of holidaymakers flock to mainland Brittany each year to enjoy its lovely landscape, beautiful beaches and fine weather, the more adventurous head further afield to explore the islands off its coast.  Each with its own unique identity, the Iles du Ponant as they are collectively known range from the tiny Chausey archipelago (just […]

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Celebrating the oyster in Brittany

Celebrating the oyster in Brittany

Towns and villages throughout France are renowned for their fetes, occasions when locals and tourists come together to celebrate whatever it is the area is famed for. From onions to oysters, Brittany can boast more than its fair share of these events, among them the Grande Fete de l’Huitre which takes place every August in […]

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